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March 17, 2020 13:08:52 +0000 (UTC)

So... my JP account that I've been using is gone. I went on one morning for the anniversary...

So... my JP account that I've been using is gone. I went on one morning for the anniversary download, and the message I got on the home screen said "Data deleted. Returning to title." I had about 35 4 stars on that account, and a lot of event 3 star and 2 star cards. I got mad at myself. So I deleted the app, and. redownloaded it. I got alot of free stars, and read all the band stories, since you don't have to progress through the game to get them. Not spending any stars on the gacha while collecting 50 of them for each story left me with 20,950 stars. So I got the dreamfes Kanon, Ran, and Lisa. After that, I pulled again, and this happened... THREE 4 STAR MORFONICA GIRLS IN ONE PULL! Anyways, wish me luck on my new account!