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January 09, 2020 03:50:28 +0000 (UTC)


Again almost forgot to do this. Whoops.

  Day 8: Favorite Roselia Character

This one's not...

Again almost forgot to do this. Whoops.

Day 8: Favorite Roselia Character

This one's not so easy. So I'm gonna do two!


Minato Yukina

I have to choose Yukina as my first because she loves cats and I absolutely adore cats! I have one cat who I think is a Maine Coon mix and I'm wanting to get a kitten. That's basically the only reason I like Yukina.

Okay, second one!


Udagawa Ako

It's getting late where I live, so I don't want to write that much, so this one will be short. I love Ako's personality. The way she tries to act all cool and mysterious. I also love whenever she forgets what she was trying to say and Rinko reminds her. So adorable. Anyway, that's all.

Credit to okusawamiikun for the layout