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September 22, 2019 21:32:53 +0000 (UTC)

      decided to try  this...
decided to try this challenge, so here I go!

Day One: Favorite Girl- Kanon Matsubara

Is this a surprise to anyone? She's been on my team literally since I started, was the character I spent that starter 3* ticket thing on, and is the very first character I ever tried drawing from the game (and was my most-drawn for a while, but I think Tsugumi might have her beaten on that now because she's my current margins-doodle character).

I knew from the moment I started I really liked Hello, Happy World!, so I started off focusing on their story. And quickly enough, Kanon stole my heart. She's cute, she's incredibly sweet, does her best job to handle being in such a chaotic band (and she's doing great with it!), and despite not usually being my favorite type of character (my preferences tend to be the tough girls, lol), she absolutely earned herself that top spot.

Plus, she's the second event 4* I understood I got (I was clueless as I was starting and didn't realize the Aya I had gotten was the luminous once more Aya because I started at the end of that event and didn't understand anything but got lucky without realizing just how lucky I was, because hey, I had just gotten an event card, but I didn't know that!), from the luckiest moment I've ever had. I did one 10-play for the pirate event, and got both Misaki and Kanon, with like one card in between them. So I just had to use that card to make a lil edit for this! I'll try and do this for most days where it's possible to? Probably not tomorrow, because if you've seen some of my other posts, you probably know who it is, and I'm not putting that kind of effort to make an edit for her.