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July 29, 2019 07:14:44 +0000 (UTC)


i feel Bamboozled. i am boo boo the fool. i am not a clown, i am the entire circus.

craftegg literally just baited us Rinko Shirokane Stans. i can't believe this.

rinko escapes limited 4* fate once again

after i gave up hope on thinking it won't be rinko and it'd be yukina, craftegg pulls THIS giant gottem and gives us yukina dreamfes instead

alright, jokes aside, even if it's yukina/hagumi df, i'll probably still pull (once) for ayachisa and/or the hina limited cards (because i am pasupare stan and hina is in my top 3)

good luck to everyone pulling! i hope you get your babeys home~ and if not... see you next year during the rerun (for the summer set i mean) i guess? hope it won't come to that though and y'all get 'em home fjfdg