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June 19, 2019 18:19:02 +0000 (UTC)


lil rant ahead, sorry guys :(

so uh... school is almost over. i'm done with everything, we don't even get hw anymore.

german went well--i got a 10/10. i don't want to sound like i'm not happy, because i sure am. i'm so damn proud of myself, i could cry (actually... i cried).

so what's the matter? my teacher. as you may know, she's my favourite teacher. i love her way of teaching and just her classes in general, but she also helped me emotionally.

flashback to late march. i was feeling super down, i felt useless and stupid. i went to talk with my school therapist after having a breakdown, and when she had to go, my german teacher approached me and asked me what was wrong. i won't give too much details but she really changed me, because we're actually pretty similar. when we were done talking, she told me "Aoi, please, i know it's hard, but please be happy". "I will!" I said. i felt so much happier after that, it was ridiculous.

whenever someone tells me "you just like her because you're good at her subject and she likes that! favouritism!!" (for context basically no one likes her/her subject) i just reply with "i mean, of course she's going to like a student that works, just like any other teacher would do..." but she's not "any other teacher".

so... why am i so sad? it's because she's leaving. she isn't going to be with us next year, and it makes me mad. i'm happy i could meet her, but i didn't know it would only last a year. i'm also afraid our new teacher might not give a shit about the students (my past English teacher was like that--she got mad when i finished earlier than the others), because this is my favourite subject and i don't want anyone to ruin it.

sorry for the rant, but i just really wish she could still teach us German (or any other subject tbh)