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March 28, 2019 10:58:02 +0000 (UTC)


Oh? We’re introducing ourselves again?

Well then.

Hello! I’m Amanda, but I normally go by Manda, I don’t have any skills in editing and MS Paint is pretty useless so I can’t povide you with one of those fancy templates that everbody else and their mothers are using, so you’ll have to bear with me here.

My favourite band is PasuPare closely followed by PoPiPa and Roselia, mostly because 4/5 girls in P*P are pretty much some of my favourite girls, with Eve and Maya being my absolute best girls.

I personally think that PoPiPa has the best songs, but Roselia and PasuPare have some killer bops too, AGlow and HaroHapi are sometimes Hit or Miss, but I enjoy all their songs nonetheless.

I’ve been playing since EN’s release and have managed, in the span of a year, to FC all EX songs but Re:BirthDay, HeyDay and ONEMISS/GokaiGokaiPhantomFail (Can you guess which songs I’ve one-missed at least twice on the second to last note?). So I suppose I’m a pretty good player. (Should probably be mentioned that I’m an index player whom plays on an iPad Air if that tells you anything.)

Hope to see you guys around here, and feel free to talk to me if you want!!