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March 24, 2019 05:54:16 +0000 (UTC)


It's another event idea uwu. Did I mention I'm kinda weak for Kaochisa?? Because I kinda am. And this is kinda proof. But it can totally be viewed as platonic if that's your jam

Pastel Magical Girl Mayhem~?!

Attribute : Powerful

Type : Challenge Live

Challenge Songs : Maware! Setsugetsuka, Goka! Gokai?! Phantom Theif!, Q&A Recital!

Boost Members : Kaoru Seta, Chisato Shirasagi, Aya Maruyama, Kokoro Tsurumaki, Maya Yamato

Event Summary

One day, Kokoro approaches Pastel*Pallettes and asks them if they want to help her with a 'super-super fun project!' After being offered a somewhat ridiculously large amount of money, the girls of Pasupare agree. Kokoro explains how she wants to create a live action magical girl movie. Upon arriving at the filming studio, the girls discover that Kaoru will be playing the villain, which means that Kaoru and Chisato would have to be working together in another production. They look back on the Romeo and Juliet play before filing begins. While filming, villain Dark Knight(Kaoru) has successfully pulled off her evil plan to kidnap the bassist of the super popular secret magical girl group, Yellow Inferno(Chisato). As our villain runs off of the scene(which Kokoro decided to make the entire city where they lived), Kaoru quickly realizes that she has gotten lost and that the cameras are not in sight. Together and very lost, Kaoru and Chisato try to find their way back. As it begins to rain, the two decide to shelter in a bus stop and have a heartfelt conversation about acting, and Kaoru talks a bit about the whole princely persona. After a while, Kokoro, Aya, and Maya finally find them, and they can continue filming. The event ends with Kaoru flashing a small smile before join her friends.

Gacha : Magical Girl's Pledge of Honor~!

4* Chisato Shirasagi - An unexpected meeting

"Oh, Kaoru? I didn't know that you'd be here..."

Pre-trained - Chisato is turned towards a waving Kaoru, both in their casual outfits. In the background, the rest of Pasupare can be seen already trying to try on the outfits for the movie

Trained - Back to back with Kaoru in a city scene. Chisato is wearing a mostly yellow sailor moon-type outfit, though with more details(sorry I can't describe outfits too well aaa). She is also wearing a pair of earing with yellow flames on them. Her hair is done in a simple pony-tail, similar to one that Kaoru wears in her casual outfit.

4* Kaoru Seta - A chat in the rain

"Pfft... that's... Chi-chan-! Heh..."

Pre-trained - Inside of an abandoned-looking bus-stop, Kaoru and Chisato sit next to eachother. Kaoru is laughing while Chisato is trying(and failing) to hold in her own laughter.

Trained - A reversed version of Chisato's card. The outfit is similar, though with a dark color scheme and bolder edges on the outfit. Her hair is done in a bun with a tattered bow.

3* Maya Yamato - Confusion

"Th- They're gone?!"

Pre-trained - Maya watches in horror as Kaoru runs off with a not-so panicked looking Chisato in her arms. She seems to be waving to them as if trying to get them to stay within the camera's reach.

Trained - Standing on top of a building, Maya has a sort of goofy smile on as she poses in a heroic matter. She's wearing the whole detailed sailor moon costume, though the skirt is much longer than the other ones in the set. She's also rocking a pair of white boots.

Event Cards

2* Kokoro Tsurumaki - I'm a Magical Girl too!

Once again, the whole detailed sailor moon thing, but in a really bright yellow. She's smiling a big smile and winking.

3* Aya Maruyama - Crazy Offer

Pre-trained - Aya has her mouth open in shock. Kokoro is standing next to her, smiling and talking about the payment for the girls of Pasupare. Eve is in the background, gasping aswell.

Trained - Surprise to nobody, it's the detailed sailor moon costume. This time it's in a very light pink. She also has a bunch of clips in her hair and really pretty lace gloves. She's sitting outside of a window and staring out towards whatever's in front of her.

Tl;dr : Kokoro pays Pasupare to act in a Magical Girl thing. Surprise Kaoru's there. Not a surprise Kaoru's dumb. Heart-felt rain chat between Kaoru and Chisato happens. Reunited with everybody else Kaoru do a smile