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February 23, 2019 04:18:55 +0000 (UTC)

the last day of Band Member Song sequence, day 11 of the challenge by okusawwmiikun!


the last day of Band-Member-Song sequence, day 11 of the challenge by okusawwmiikun!

Favorite HaroHapi Song

My favorite original has got to be Kimi ga Inakucha! This song is just pure joy, jumpy and bright, and just represents HaroHapi as a whole! Just listening to how everyone sings together easily reminds you how everyone has grown due to Kokoro's schemes. Nothing in this song sounds annoying or bad in my opinion, and I get more and more emotional every time I listen to it, (which is quite a lot of times.)

kizuna kirakira bokura wo tsunaide~

And as for my favorite cover from this band, that is Alien Alien. Perhaps it's because of the lyrics? It's just a lot more interesting to see Kokoro singing these lyrics, even if they aren't deep at all. This song gives a chaotic-neutral vibe, with the instrumentals and Kokoro's voice. The MV is very stunning as well, and it just makes it better!