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January 04, 2019 00:05:41 +0000 (UTC)



since it's 2019, so you know what that means. 2018 remembrance time. yep i wanted to look back at my 2018 experience of bandori and post a pic every day of my favorite 2018 cards per girl!

for today's post, i wanted to talk about popipa. i wanted to especially talk about the bunny tae card. while this card is very cute, it is one of the only events i really remember playing during my short-lived time on jp when it came out and was also the first even i tried to tier on en. it has grown very close to my heart and i have a hard time changing off her costume. the only other card i really want to talk about here is the saaya. this saaya hoo boy this saaya. this event is the reason i started shipping tomosaaya and if you don't know me very well, the only thing you need to know is i would die for the ship that is tomosaaya. it is the air i breathe but anyway... saaya not only looks extremely gorgeous here, but there will always be that attachment and to that i say thank you (third) best girl.