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December 15, 2018 19:10:34 +0000 (UTC)

A seriously crappy design sketch thingy of how NFO's game interface. Our team decides on which...

A seriously crappy design-sketch thingy of how NFO's game interface. Our team decides on which layout would be the best. XD I'll try sketching other ideas that might come from my colleagues. Edit. I did show my colleagues your opinion about how much HP/SP should be a beginning point. And agreed to increase the HP/SP to ~200 base. Also novice class accepted. Novice class attributes:
HP: 170/170
SP: 50/50
EP: 0/0 (no element linked, will be available once Level is 15)
And levelcap agreed is 100
Attributes will be 6 (Int and Will merged into Spirit)