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November 30, 2018 00:16:41 +0000 (UTC)


I’ll probably scout for Christmas Saya tomorrow because new bandori gachas and events come out at like 1am over here and I have a presentation and a report due tomorrow and I don’t wanna be too tired lol (did I mention I can’t do presentations? because icantdopresentations)

Speaking of this report I spent like two hours trying to get this thing printed out because my printer didn’t want to print for some reason. Do I have two hours to waste on trying to fix a printer considering have exams in less than a week and I still know nothing? Absolutely not. But did I anyway? Yes. Why yes I did. But while I was at it I printed out some pictures of Christmas Saya (on photo paper so it looks pretty nice). I’ll make a little shrine with those and her nesoberi before I scout. She’ll come now, right?

Also if Chika is the next UR in SIF I will probably break down crying tomorrow (well mentally anyway) so I pray that the next UR in not Chika. I don’t want to have to scout on two games in one day I will be very upset if neither decide to come home.

jfjfkf IM SORRY THAT WASNT MEANT TO BE A LIFE UPDATE. But anyway the moral of this story is don’t be a university student. Don’t be Banpa user Rinon.

ANYWAYS uhh I’ll be scouting for Christmas Saya (21 10 pulls) in about 24 hours for now after I’ve studied and taken a nice long bath. That’s the best way to scout Goodnight my friends and I hope Popipa bless you if you decide to scout tonight! I’m wishing you all the best of luck!