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June 09, 2019 06:12:33 +0000 (UTC)

Wow it's been a while since I was last on here. Luckily now I've just got exams to do then this...

Wow it's been a while since I was last on here. Luckily now I've just got exams to do then this semester is over! Since I was gone for a while, there a few things I wanted to say to you all:

First off, happy Pride Month everyone! Hope you all have a fantastic month, no matter what your preferences are. This is your month to shine bright and not let anyone bring you down. Keep standing strong and live life to your fullest 😊

Secondly, I know I'm really late to say this, but the new wedding cards look absolutely stunning. Eve, Arisa, Tsugumi, Ran, and KASUMI HOLY SH- They are all so beautiful bless them.

Thirdly, can we just appreciate taiko Kokoro for a second. I mean my lord she literally looks like a goddess. And taiko Tomoe is so freaking cool too! I really hope I get them 😭

And that's it for now haha. Have a good day everyone!

June 24, 2019 06:08:43 +0000 (UTC)


Happy pride month everyone! It's vaild to be gay for 2d anime girls.

As for me I don't know but I think I'm asexual irl

but i too am gay for 2d waifus

June 21, 2019 21:56:32 +0000 (UTC)


I've been reading all the Pride Month posts, and it makes me really happy to see such a diverse, accepting community. It also makes me wonder - how many BanPa members are part of the LGBTQ+ community in total?

So I made a poll to see how everyone identifies. Please vote if you're interested! I'll accept answers until June 28th.

Here's the link:

June 10, 2019 05:53:15 +0000 (UTC)


Oh! Huhehe. Well... ^_^;' I forgot I am supposed to talk about personal experiences.


I GUESS I am the most normal of the bunch. A Normie Heterosexual woman. There was a time during my teenage I thought I'm lesbian. But it proved wrong. I'm a true, casual and proud Feminist Heterosexual!

June 09, 2019 22:45:02 +0000 (UTC)

   Walk proud if you want to be who you want to be .Be happy if you want...


Walk proud if you want to be who you want to be .Be happy if you want the world to smile. Gacha if you want to lose stars.

June 17, 2019 12:38:04 +0000 (UTC)

hello im a lesbian and happily married to my wife saaya whos also a lesbian
as for my story uhhhh i...

hello im a lesbian and happily married to my wife saaya whos also a lesbian as for my story uhhhh i identified as demi-pan??? for a Long While btu then i went "hey. Hey Whoa Hold On. i can Date Girls without having to also date guys Wow!" nd i came 2 terms w my lesbianism(tm) so yeha here i am

June 20, 2019 23:03:12 +0000 (UTC)

I know this is a bit later than people would expect but I was debating whether to say anything since there isn't much to say. But first...

Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈

I'm not part of the LGBT+ community (Male, straight) but I will always fully support it with every part of my heart!

As I've said before, everyone has a right to be what they want to be and be happy. The fact that people even treat people differently just because they identify themselves differently ABSOLUTELY sickens me. Whatever people may tell you, be yourself and be proud of yourself.

Banpa is the first ever community I've been a part of and I've grown to love it more and more as the months go by. (3 months? Wow, 3 months fly by when you're having fun.) If even just one person is happy because of me, I'm happy. So, I'll be here, doing my best to make people happy and there's only one more thing left for me to say...