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August 01, 2018 11:16:01 +0000 (UTC)


In my house our Dreamfest luck has really been something. First, my brother did one pull since he really didn't have anything to loose, and he got 3 4*. And those 4 * were 2 Nurse Tomoes and one Tanabata Sayo. He saved stars before for nurse Tomoe and didn't get her, but now he got her twice.

As for me, I did 2 pulls, one on EN and one on JP. En was cursed. 2 Detective Kokoros, even tho i already had one. But JP was, probably, the best thing ever. I got 2 4* and 5 3*. The 4* were Bushido Maya and Dreamfes Maya, and I've never been so blessed.

I'll put screenshots of all the 3 gachas in the comments, if you want to see them.

August 02, 2018 04:41:20 +0000 (UTC)

I got this pull while scouting for summer lisa   war flashbacks   and HOLY i was mostly so shook...

I got this pull while scouting for summer lisa (war flashbacks) and HOLY i was mostly so shook (and happy) by the double arisa! but then I took another look today and there is a LOT going on in this photo...

first of all, the WRONG lisa came home, same attribute n everything... then u got these three hinas (in a beautiful symmetric pose) trying their DARNDEST to win over sayo with their charm (but sayo's a diva and she ain't having it), then u got these arisas forming a whole ass BOX around Kasumi to shelter her from the hina display (bc she afraid kasumi gonna leave her for hina lmao) like what kinda tsundere headass???

and last but not least, as usual, kanon has no idea what the fuck is going on

August 01, 2018 18:11:43 +0000 (UTC)


12500 STARS


i got himari twice though anD 4 3* IN ONE HECKING PULL



im 75 stars away from pulling again, i will update this when i do and if i don't get lisa, im going to silently cry until this gacha comes back again if it does

also im aiming for that valentine's lisa and the limited kaoru after that so hahahhahaha im not pulling in any gachas until those ones.


EDIT: I made enough and pulled. Connected Pair Lisa came, but not Dazzling Summer. You know who did? INVINCIBLE HERO KOKORO DUPLICATE. KOKORO, PLEASE, I'VE GOTTEN YOU 4 TIMES BY NOW. PLEASE LET LISA COME INSTEADDDDDDD