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September 29, 2019 10:28:48 +0000 (UTC)

   I have passed level 200 
   Now time to review 
  Lvl 1:...

I have passed level 200

Now time to review

Lvl 1: Image :

I am young and full of spirit, Kachumese must be my best girl OwO

Lvl 50: Image :

No 4* girl came home, until lvl 70s, and that is Kachumese <3, the solo pull before the last solo pull of the first Dreamfes, the last solo pull is 4* Arisa. From then on, I knew: they were a perfect couple.

Lvl 100: Image :

Since Kokoro was my best girl, she wouldn't come my home, and she won't. 10k stars for Halloween Kokoro, another 10k stars for mochi-pounding Kokoro, none of 4* Kokoro came my home.

Lvl 150: Image :

I establish the first full 3*+, same type and same band. That was 3*+ Happy Pasupa band. Most of them were the cards I got from playing events.

Lvl 170: Image :

My first top 100 title; that's surely vroom Kachumese and Hagumese event. The most meaningful title ever!

Lvl 190: Image :

I don't know why, but Roselia chose me. I established my first full 4* band of Roselia.

Lvl 200: Image :

I am too old to be amazed or depressed: rate up is a lie, my fate had already been decided since I created my account. About 10k for present Halloween Dreamfes, and it's like what happened last year.

That is the boring story of a poor little player who don't have money to buy stars. Despite the fact that I don't have any 4* of my best girl, I still love her and the game. My favorite is listening my favorite song, spamming my favorite stamps, and collect stars one by one.

Now I have 100 friend slots. The more level you are, the less friend you can add. I can only communicate with them through my stamps, but it still make me happy. I hope this friend system will change someday, so I can get more friends OwO

March 24, 2020 15:30:12 +0000 (UTC)

Yeaaaahhhhh I just used my 3  exchange ticket to get my favorite Sayo three star!

Edit: Well...

Yeaaaahhhhh I just used my 3* exchange ticket to get my favorite Sayo three star!

Edit: Well technically I like all the Sayo three stars . . . Like Neo-Aspect and Prelude Replay and Neo Fantasy Online kyaaa why does Sayo have to have all of the best three stars uwu uwu uwu

March 24, 2020 05:01:00 +0000 (UTC)


I think now that I have as many 4*s on JP as I have on EN, I'm gonna save until RAS's release.

I just REALLY need a CHU2 4*!

March 24, 2020 07:07:35 +0000 (UTC)


Woah, I just solo-yolo'd Noble White Kaoru?? This is the second limited 4* Kaoru I have in my possession!

March 24, 2020 01:19:33 +0000 (UTC)

Super late 3rd Anni. DreamFes post! I may have went in wanting any 4☆ Morfonica but I did leave with...

Super-late 3rd Anni. DreamFes post! I may have went in wanting any 4☆ Morfonica but I did leave with the entirety of 3☆ Morfonica at least twice and the 4☆s are very welcome. My JP HaroHapi continues to grow stronger, and the Powerful PoPiPa team's not far behind. Not to mention a workable Morfonica team! This result was fine. I've got to save up for RAS' release as well!


On Friday, the DreamFes was leaving the next day and I had just enough for one multi. So... I pulled. I saw rainbow. I hid my eyes from the member.

Thank you, Mashiro.

March 23, 2020 21:39:09 +0000 (UTC)




I spent 22.5k stars,the biggest quantity of stars I’ve ever had,and Mii-kun didn’t came

The worst but at the same time good thing is that I got TWO Kanon four stars(bunny and penguin)!!

It’s really cool because I love Kanon and I want to make a happy 4* HHW team,but it’s also bad because my best friend LOVES Kanon and he has never gotten a 4* of her,so he’s kinda mad with me.

I also got two cards of his favorite characters on enstars,he almost kills me haha...

Anyways,I have 866 and I still have hope that Mii-kun will come home!I’m not sure if I will get enough stars for a 10 pull,but I’ll try!

March 23, 2020 02:07:29 +0000 (UTC)





I finally have a full 4* band on main and it's PasuPare,,,, I've had full Roselia 4* band on EN for a while, but I hardly play that, so this is a huge milestone for me aaaa

March 17, 2020 19:18:04 +0000 (UTC)

To celebrate Morfonica's release, they decided to bring gifts for us to celebrate!

  So meet...

To celebrate Morfonica's release, they decided to bring gifts for us to celebrate!

So meet Guardian Mashiro!

If for some reason you seem to be having bad gacha luck, or need more stars, Mashiro is here to help :)

March 23, 2020 01:07:00 +0000 (UTC)


i cant believe the only pull i will allow myself is for the Miracle Ticket for that stupid pure 4* maya who i own on every account besides my main account