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January 31, 2019 11:59:21 +0000 (UTC)



click me, I lead to a song cover ♪

IT'S FINALLY DONE I say this but I never actually expected to upload this tbh, I just worked on it on-and-off a bunch and suddenly it was up to my Standards lol. would ya look at that, I actually found a use for the lyrics I wrote ages ago!

my voice is still recovering from Flu Heck and I had the grandiose idea to record the most annoying parts like this, so it's not entirely up to par, but I hope you like it anyway aaa

October 03, 2018 01:20:14 +0000 (UTC)


since singing is the one thing I kinda have going for me, here's a masterpost of BanDori songs (or songs they've covered) I've done! I hope I'll manage to keep this updated

finished stuff

short stuff

things I call WIPs but have really just abandoned

covers of covers

  • Romeo (abandoned that one too)
October 14, 2018 14:03:24 +0000 (UTC)


I did a cover of Determination Symphony but I can'T POST IT YET cause it's gonna be for the final of a contest I'm participating in hhhhh

but sitting on it unable to do anything with it annoys me cause I like to post things asap so here's a lil sneak peek, I'm still tinkering with the mix and I'm lacking harmonies in like 2 places but I need to put this sOMEWHERE

August 08, 2018 13:02:59 +0000 (UTC)


no idea about the other two. maybe Alien Alien for...


no idea about the other two. maybe Alien Alien for HaroHapi but Afterglow ... idk. it's been so long since I was super involved in Vocaloid hhh

//e: a friend pointed out Afterglow could be 1925 and if that's true I'M REALLY HAPPY I LOVE THAT SONG

February 20, 2019 19:59:41 +0000 (UTC)


the highest note in Sanctuary, the AAAAAAAAAAAH just after the bridge, is an #F5. I'm not sure if Yukina has ever done that before (Opera of the wasteland may go that high occasionally?) but it certainly has never been higher. I commend her for belting that note and sounding good while doing so. I already respected Aiai a lot as a vocalist but my respect for her has just grown tenfold

sincerely, someone who has just done the same thing and feels like death

//e: Tsubame brought up Charles and was right, those high notes are in fact G5s. that didn't leave me alone so ... I just wanted to see if I could do it.

I still insist Sanctuary is harder cause the note is a whole measure long tho. also Yukina uses her head voice for most of those Gs so idk if I should even count them

January 07, 2021 00:37:59 +0000 (UTC)


Hhhhh I’m sorry but I’m well and truly on a Roselia kick rn and LOOK idk what happened either at some point in the last couple years I got overwhelmed by all the content pouring out of this franchise and neglected even my 2nd favourite band so now it’s all hitting me at once. This is me making up for not loving them enough bc it’s honestly been a While since I felt this much love for them what the heck. Actually maybe I’ve never loved them this much before oh god

So idk I got rly nostalgic and was looking through the playlist of live vids on the official YT channel and it struck me that of course the old Roselia ones wouldn’t be there anymore since they don’t reflect the current members and it just ugh. 2021 and I’m sitting here being sad about Yurishii and Akeshan again

Also while I’m here I can’t believe “Roselia’s music is good but doesn’t make me feel much” is a thing past me said bc now there is no song in Bandori’s entire discography that makes me cry more than Song I am. Past me simply did not know better smh

So um. Hi I’m Cay and I’m once again in a puddle of tears over Roselia’s existence

January 04, 2021 02:18:20 +0000 (UTC)


Happy New Year! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

moonlight densetsu cover is now one of my favorites including dramaturgy, I look forward to CQCQ

It's not much but I did this edit of aya from title idol


May 07, 2019 11:30:15 +0000 (UTC)


writing translyrics for Roselia song is half translating the actual meaning and half making some goddamn sense of what they're even saying

their lyrics are so dramatic that half the time when you translate them directly the different parts don't even seem to properly go together ... and they have this annoying tendency to just. not end a sentence. none of this gets easier, mind you, when you take into account the random English some songs (coughs coughs LOUDER coughs coughs) throw in just because.

when normally translating you can just kinda roll with it but when you ALSO have to make those lyrics singable and pleasing to the ear, it constantly varies between "okay I think I can work with this" and "HOW DO YOU WANT ME TO FORM THIS INTO A FUNCTIONING AND LYRICAL ENGLISH SENTENCE. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM ME"

usually I just tend to end up going with the general idea of the song rather than translating every line as literally as possible (like I usually like to do) ... Roselia broke me. maybe I should sing PoPiPa songs instead.

January 06, 2021 11:22:01 +0000 (UTC)


Hey everyone! Sorry for being unactive lately, I didn't really have anything to post. Also I've tried tiering lately. I'm planning to get to at least top 2500 on this event, and if I'll have time I might try to get to top 1000. I've just reached rank 40 on my new EN main, by the way. Anyways, what do you guys think of the new PasuPare cover, Hana ha odoreya irohaniho? I personally think it's pretty cute but people spamming it in VS Live and Multi Live is becoming annoying...