Players list / RhythmGoddess

RhythmGoddess avatar


Hi, Nice to meet you~!

I'm Inbar Levi, Oftenly known as the rhythm goddess by my friends. I'm onee-chan to RealSayo. My Idol and bestie in family. We share secrets and do quite a lot of fun. I got to bandori through My sis. I saw her playing when she came to my apartment and it seemed fun. ^^
I play Rhythm games since 2010 or so. Ever since TapTap revenge was highly popular. If anyone remember that game... ( ̄ω ̄); so I have skill and experience of 9 years ago.

In high school I used to be a drummer. And I still do from time to time~. About 2 years ago I heard about Taiko. And it had me excited. Casual drummers move only their hand and legs. And don't use much their body as a whole. Taiko forces the use of the body as a whole to get the epic experience of drumming. I joined Taiko-Life at around 2018 or so... and I love it. The calls like "Soi-Ya, Haī sa" and so on Do bolster the adrenaline to keep the energy of drumming. And I work as a Salesperson, Frontal sales in Hotmobile. I'm a smol bean by the way. Tipping the scale at 159cm tall.. ;w; and I got tsugu's eyes. Brown-honey and the same hair like my sis. Slightly more Kasumish. Need tips in FCing songs? Simply PM me or chat in Disqus. I'll be glad to give tips!

Talk to you later~♡

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