Players list / Kiro

Kiro avatar


Huehuehue, welcome to my profile!

I'm Kiro, and I love Lisa-nee and Yukina. (But all girls are best girls)

I guess I don't have much to say other than I like watching Anime and that I've started playing Bandori near the end of the first event on EN. (Oh, and I'm also torn between Bass and Drums for the Instrument I should get)

Favorite band: Roselia

Favorite song: Passionate Anthem

Favorite character: Torn between Lisa-nee and Yukina-sama

Total amount of 4* that I got on all accounts: 24 (Two were a gift from Ducky Mom. Thank you so much!)

Highest difficulty that can be played: Level 25 songs and bellow

Umm... I guess i'll be looking forward to playing with you all?



3 accounts: