Players list / Emichii

Emichii avatar



Bandori Best girls

  1. Kaoru
  2. Tomoe
  3. Masking
  4. Rui
  5. Layer

Love Live Best girls

  1. Mari Ohara
  2. Nico Yazawa
  3. Rina Tennoji
  4. Karin Asaka
  5. Hanamaru Kunikida

About Me

I can speak some languages including English, Italian, Albanian, and a little bit of French. I understand Spanish well just can’t speak it. I’m in different fandoms like Love Live, Madoka Magica, JoJo, and others. Bring anything up and i might have heard of it. I can draw so i might post drawings and fanarts sometimes if i feel comfortable enough. I like music and i would love to learn drums. I know how to play piano, and the flute. Currently trying to learn the guitar kinda hard but i’ll get the hang of it.

Thank you for wasting your time 😼👍


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