Girls Band Party / Cards list / Statistics / All Ran Mitake cards

68 cards match your search:
★★★★ Ran Mitake - Power - Brand New Morning ★★★★ Ran Mitake - Power - Brand New Morning 3417 8450 12433 3034 7691 11294 3830 9271 13662 10281 25412 37389 Life recovery

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 600 or above, score boosted by +80.0%, otherwise restores life by 500

★★★★ Ran Mitake - Cool - My Vows to the Ends of the Earth ★★★★ Ran Mitake - Cool - My Vows to the Ends of the Earth 2943 5857 10020 3528 7020 11762 3810 7583 12605 10281 20460 34387 None


★★★ Ran Mitake - Cool - Scream!!! ★★★ Ran Mitake - Cool - Scream!!! 3744 7525 12305 2448 4921 8395 2628 5282 8937 8820 17728 29637 None


★★★★ Ran Mitake - Power - Promises Made, At The Fall of Dusk ★★★★ Ran Mitake - Power - Promises Made, At The Fall of Dusk 3135 6239 9742 2631 5236 8240 4415 8786 13556 10181 20261 31538 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score boosted by +95.0% (+115.0% if your team consists of only Power members) until a GREAT note is hit, then score boosted by +80.0%

★★★ Ran Mitake - Pure - Sunlight through Clouds ★★★ Ran Mitake - Pure - Sunlight through Clouds 3186 6604 10622 3105 6440 10376 2529 5283 8638 8820 18327 29636 Perfect lock (Score up)

All GOOD notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 20.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★ Ran Mitake - Happy - Precious birthday! 3395 10516 3373 10453 3363 10421 10131 31390 None


★★ Ran Mitake - Pure - Sakura-Colored After School 2016 5020 1824 4542 2220 5528 6060 15090 None


★★ Ran Mitake - Power 2462 6129 2145 5341 2059 5128 6666 16598 None


★★★ Ran Mitake - Happy - A Father’s Big Moment ★★★ Ran Mitake - Happy - A Father’s Big Moment 2718 5464 8509 2862 5754 8944 3240 6511 10084 8820 17729 27537 Perfect lock (Score up)

All GOOD notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 20.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★ Ran Mitake - Cool - Scribbled Melodies ★★★★ Ran Mitake - Cool - Scribbled Melodies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 None


★★★ Ran Mitake - Cool - When I Close My Eyes ★★★ Ran Mitake - Cool - When I Close My Eyes 2943 5856 9069 3240 6448 9955 2907 5785 8963 9090 18089 27987 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 300 and boosts score of all notes by 20.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★ Ran Mitake - Power - The Bakhoor's Song ★★★★ Ran Mitake - Power - The Bakhoor's Song 2822 5616 8810 2722 5417 8512 4637 9229 14219 10181 20262 31541 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 900 or above, score boosted by +110.0%, otherwise score boosted by +90.0%