Girls Band Party / Cards list / Statistics / All Power cards

428 cards match your search:
★★★★ Maya Yamato - Power - Assembling Sound ★★★★ Maya Yamato - Power - Assembling Sound 2651 5275 8300 2883 5737 8991 4647 9248 14248 10181 20260 31539 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score boosted by +110.0% until a GREAT note is hit, then score boosted by +90.0%

★★ Kasumi Toyama - Power - Let's Party! 1938 4826 2154 5363 1968 4900 6060 15089 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 200 and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★ Kokoro Tsurumaki - Power - Arriving at a Curiosity ★★★ Kokoro Tsurumaki - Power - Arriving at a Curiosity 3321 6609 10197 2799 5570 8640 2970 5909 9150 9090 18088 27987 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 300 and boosts score of all notes by 20.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Power - Shy Bell Girl ★★★ Tsugumi Hazawa - Power - Shy Bell Girl 2853 5678 8803 2970 5909 9150 3267 6502 10037 9090 18089 27990 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 900 or above, score boosted by +65.0%, otherwise score boosted by +55.0%

★★ Ran Mitake - Power - Bridesmaid 1872 4698 1728 4337 2280 5724 5880 14759 Perfect lock (Score up)

All GREAT notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★ Eve Wakamiya - Power - Happiness Blooms From a Bride's Hand ★★★★ Eve Wakamiya - Power - Happiness Blooms From a Bride's Hand 2964 5899 9234 4637 9229 14219 2681 5335 8390 10282 20463 31843 Life recovery

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 600 or above, score boosted by +80.0%, otherwise restores life by 400

★★★★ Kasumi Toyama - Power - As Love Rains Down ★★★★ Kasumi Toyama - Power - As Love Rains Down 2883 5737 8991 4667 9289 14310 2631 5236 8240 10181 20262 31541 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 900 or above, score boosted by +110.0%, otherwise score boosted by +90.0%

★★ Tomoe Udagawa - Power - Twilight Butler 2286 5738 1776 4458 1818 4563 5880 14759 Perfect lock (Score up)

All GREAT notes turn into PERFECT notes and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★ Rinko Shirokane - Power - Fascinating Investigation ★★★ Rinko Shirokane - Power - Fascinating Investigation 3024 6016 9310 2853 5678 8803 3213 6393 9874 9090 18087 27987 Life recovery (Score up)

Restores life by 300 and boosts score of all notes by 20.0% for the next 5 seconds

★★★★ Saaya Yamabuki - Power - CiRCLE Bread Festival ★★★★ Saaya Yamabuki - Power - CiRCLE Bread Festival 3397 6758 10521 3457 6879 10700 3347 6661 10373 10201 20298 31594 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of PERFECT notes boosted by +120.0%

★★ Aya Maruyama - Power - Social Media Addiction? 2406 6087 1848 4674 1446 3658 5700 14419 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of all notes boosted by +30.0%

★★ Misaki Okusawa - Power - A Little at a Time 1866 4684 1746 4382 2268 5693 5880 14759 Life guard (Score up)

BAD/MISS notes do not cause damage and boosts score of all notes by 10.0% for the next 3 seconds