Girls Band Party / Cards list / Statistics / All ★★★★ cards

599 cards match your search:
★★★★ LAYER - Power - I Won't Cry, I Won't Cry ★★★★ LAYER - Power - I Won't Cry, I Won't Cry 2742 5456 8571 4486 8927 13767 2953 5876 9201 10181 20259 31539 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score boosted by +110.0% until a GREAT note is hit, then score boosted by +90.0%

★★★★ Rinko Shirokane - Pure - Special birthday! 3361 10414 3365 10429 3405 10548 10131 31391 None


★★★★ Rui Yashio - Happy - The Answer I Found ★★★★ Rui Yashio - Happy - The Answer I Found 3730 7424 11516 3084 6137 9590 3367 6700 10435 10181 20261 31541 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 900 or above, score boosted by +110.0%, otherwise score boosted by +90.0%

★★★★ Mashiro Kurata - Happy - To Put Into Words ★★★★ Mashiro Kurata - Happy - To Put Into Words 3478 6921 10765 2974 5918 9263 3730 7424 11516 10182 20263 31544 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score boosted by +95.0% (+115.0% if your team consists of only Happy members) until a GREAT note is hit, then score boosted by +80.0%

★★★★ Misaki Okusawa - Cool - Special birthday! 3370 10443 3348 10377 3413 10572 10131 31392 None


★★★★ Rimi Ushigome - Power - The Face in The Photo ★★★★ Rimi Ushigome - Power - The Face in The Photo 2863 5697 8932 4274 8505 13135 3064 6097 9531 10201 20299 31598 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of PERFECT notes boosted by +110.0%, or +125.0% if your team consists of only Poppin'Party members

★★★★ MASKING - Pure - Ride With the Scarlet ★★★★ MASKING - Pure - Ride With the Scarlet 4314 8584 13255 3014 5999 9383 2873 5717 8962 10201 20300 31600 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score of PERFECT notes boosted by +110.0%, or +125.0% if your team consists of only Morfonica members

★★★★ Kokoro Tsurumaki - Cool - Find your voice! ★★★★ Kokoro Tsurumaki - Cool - Find your voice! 2732 5436 8540 2903 5776 9051 4546 9046 13946 10181 20258 31537 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score boosted by +95.0% (+115.0% if your team consists of only Cool members) until a GREAT note is hit, then score boosted by +80.0%

★★★★ Kanon Matsubara - Cool - bright light road ★★★★ Kanon Matsubara - Cool - bright light road 2913 5794 9078 2712 5397 8482 4556 9066 13977 10181 20257 31537 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 900 or above, score boosted by +110.0%, otherwise score boosted by +90.0%

★★★★ Aya Maruyama - Happy - Perfect Smile ★★★★ Aya Maruyama - Happy - Perfect Smile 2893 5757 9021 4556 9066 13977 2732 5436 8540 10181 20259 31538 Score up

For the next 5 seconds, score boosted by +95.0% (+115.0% if your team consists of only Happy members) until a GREAT note is hit, then score boosted by +80.0%

★★★★ Lisa Imai - Happy - With Adoring Eyes ★★★★ Lisa Imai - Happy - With Adoring Eyes 2792 5557 8721 4476 8907 13737 3014 5999 9383 10282 20463 31841 Life recovery

For the next 5 seconds, if life is 600 or above, score boosted by +80.0%, otherwise restores life by 400

★★★★ Tsukushi Futaba - Cool - Special birthday! 3418 10585 3370 10443 3343 10362 10131 31390 None
