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October 10, 2018 04:10:33 +0000 (UTC)


(If I add Kokoro's, Kanon's, and Hagumi's cards here this post would get too long so anyways-)

FBI: Bursts through my door

ME: HEY WOAH I'm not an adult yet wth did i do

FBI: It's those cards points to the new cards of Kanon, Kokoro, and Hagumi They're illegal.

ME: For what?

FBI: For being too adorable and gorgeous.

OK ok first, Hagumi. Hagumi, Hagumi, Hagumi, I love you you orange energetic gal you just djfhdjsfhksgdshfjgdsgfgsdgf. All of Hagumi's cards just have such a radiating energetic feel to them and this new one doesn't break the streak.

Kanon is downright illegal. She is literally murdering me with her adorable smile accompanied by a smiling baby penguin. Her little twin tails??? Which I just noticed?? The fact that she is so out there and not like the shy, small Kanon that she was before joining the band just. And even despite all the blue she is wearing and all the blue in the background, she is still shining vibrantly. This is a 5-hit combo right there and I deserve it for even looking at such a sweet gal.

Kokoro's card? The whole time I was just like dontrydemon @ bushimo and craftegg because i will sob if it came to that. Still, that smile is just so sincere and sweet that it makes me cry anyways. I mean, all her smiles were never fake she just radiates pure unrestrained joy and the want for more of it. But this smile is just so warm and Miskai definetely feels safe looking at and being with Kokoro right there. The idolized shows that smile that we all know Kokoro for and those twin tails are so cute. Also that little detail of Michelle on Kokoro's hat is a really nice detail.