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September 21, 2018 00:01:01 +0000 (UTC)


the time is almost upon us fam. im rly going all in and doing the daddest thing i can do (at least for a super long time bc i have no money for this game)

im gonna go for top 10 in this doki doki survivor event, not just for maya, or chisato. but for all of my pastel daughters. im calling upon the boppin dad dynasty to bestow honor and redemption upon the fallen bushido dad dynasty. in this way, i can merge boppin dad and bushido dad to become truly powerful

i must channel my inner fatherhood and ascend even further in order to do this, using this chant. "the servers are the five pastels... pastel is glitter power. glitter power is enriched by the heart. the boppin dad is the one that unifies the pastels." if u get this reference i love u lmao

wish me the best fam i was supposed to go to a college party this weekend and man do i love to party, but. my fictional kids are gonna steal my social life until i can guarantee my top 10 spot