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August 10, 2018 10:53:09 +0000 (UTC)


Something I thought about while thinking about events and event stories;

I wondered about who's event was who's as, well, for The Pastel Futures Whatever Event, Eve's the event-card, but it's Aya's story. It's all Aya-focused, in terms of who's driving the story that is, but Aya herself is the Gacha 4*.

Because there's also events like Don't Leave Me, Lisa. Which is definitely LISA'S event, not only because she's the event card but the whole story is essentially about how important Lisa is to Roselia.

Even though she's off-screen for 90% of the story, and that made me think about the whole point of this post: THIS is why Bandori's writing is really really good. They can make a story focus on one character, and make it about them, without even having the character being involved in the main plotline of the story. And they still have stories like Aya's event story where she's on screen 90% of the time.

Moral of the post: BanDori is fantastic, I love my 25 daughters. Thank you.