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September 21, 2020 20:13:56 +0000 (UTC)



Hey guys!

Here I am again, and the image entered this time! I had to use the "! Image" command but it worked, so that's what matters. So, let's continue!

Original post

Day 2: Least Favorite Character

I'm really, really sorry if you like her, but my least favorite girl is Hina Hikawa.


Look, it's not that I dislike her. After all, as a big Kasumi's fanboy I am, I can't really hate her too. Her cheerful personality is really something, and I sure laughed a lot with her sillyness, especially on the last event (Boppin Down the Hallway!).

But the problem I have with her is her (lack of) development. You see, if there is something I would really want to see is a more serious side of her, some challenge on her life that she has to overcome with a more serious and mature attitude, AND we can't have Sayo involved. I know she has shown a serious side on events like "Umbrella in the Autumn Rain", but every time she does, Sayo is the main point, not Hina. This annoys me a little, since she has the potential to be more serious like every other character in the game, but for me, she needs to prove herself to at least compete with the other characters, which in my opinion, had more opportunities and had shown more development than her.

But that's MY opinion, if I'm right or wrong is up to you to decide. If you disagree, please tell me why, we can have a good and friendly discussion about this. ;)

That's it guys, until next time!