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September 05, 2020 04:39:17 +0000 (UTC)


(Not related to BanG Dream!) I'm finally back to learning kanji after SO SO SO long. I learn on WaniKani (highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn kanji; make sure you know hirgana and preferably katakana also before though) and I had over 200 reviews to do. I forgot A LOT of stuff, but I remembered it quickly. I'm also starting to recognize words in songs a little bit. I recognized「出る」(deru; to exit) in Yorushika's "Hitchcock." It's a really small word, but I still got a little excited when I recognized it. In my head, I was like, "Oh! Deru!"

I'm still very much a beginner with learning kanji. I'm on level 3 on WaniKani, and there's 60 levels.