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July 13, 2020 06:17:44 +0000 (UTC)


So, Imma just complain a little about the amount of wholesome shounen-ai (boys love) and shoujo-ai (girls love) series because the ratio of wholesome to not wholesome makes me kinda mad.

First off, shounen-ai. There's basically no wholesome series in this genre (at least of what I've seen) and it REALLY annoys me. Why can't they just let me watch a series about a gay relationship without it getting extremely perverted in the first episode. The only series I've seen that's wholesome is Given and that will always have a special place in my heart because it was both INSANELY WHOLESOME and realistic. Seriously, I highly recommend that series to anyone, not just the people into shounen-ai. That series actually made me cry. Not because it was sad (I mean, there is kinda a sad part), but just because of how wholesome it was.

Now onto shoujo-ai. This has a much better wholesome to not wholesome. The most wholesome that I've seen is the Kase-san series (I really need to finish that manga). I'm currently watching Bloom Into You and it definitely is wholesome, but it doesn't really feel like a realistic development of a relationship. There are still tons of perverted shoujo-ai series and that annoys me (not as much as the shounen-ai genre's situation, but it still annoys me).

There are SOOO many wholesome straight romance series, so I really don't see the point in making almost every shoujo-ai and shounen-ai perverted.

Okay I'm done. I just had to say that because it really does annoy me. It had nothing to do with BanG Dream!, but I have nowhere else to post it (except maybe twitter, but not many people would see that).

Edit: Okay, sorry for editing this, but I need to talk about given more (POTENTIAL SPOILERS). THAT SHOW WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!! It actually showed the struggles the characters faced, specifically the part about Ritsuka trying to deny that he's gay, asking if something is wrong with him, and then Akihiko telling him he's fine and nothing is wrong with him. AHHH AND THEN THE CONFESSION SCENE! Mafuyu told Ritsuka he liked him and then Ritsuka asked if he meant that in a romantic way, and when Mafuyu said yes, Ritsuka started internally freaking out. AND THE KISS SCENE AAHHHHH!!! That was the part that made me cry. Okay bye gotta go listen to Marutsuke now.