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July 12, 2020 02:13:49 +0000 (UTC)


Not sure what to post today. I guess I can just talk about random stuff.

1st random topic: Summer set on JP

I'm both looking forward to and not looking forward to the summer set on JP. I'm looking forward to it because I'm hoping that we get Bikini Michelle, but I'm not looking forward to it because if there is Bikini Michelle or if there's a Kokoro 4 star, I'm gonna die if I don't get it. But I guess EN is always an option, since I seem to have a lot more luck on EN. (Please Craft Egg, if we do get Bikini Michelle, PLEASE let it be an event card)

2nd random topic: HaroHapi CiRCLE Live Stream

I'm still waiting for the next HaroHapi CiRCLE Live Stream. I love getting up at 5 AM to watch those streams. That's all I wanted to say about that....

3rd random topic: Other games I'm looking forward to

D4DJ is what I'm most looking forward to. I love the art in D4DJ, so I'm looking forward to pulling in gachas. Also, Project Sekai I'm excited for because it has both males and females, which you don't see that often in those kind of games. Also, I love Tsukasa and Mizuki and I need to see other cards of them. Mizuki I'm most interested in as a character because their gender is unknown, so that's cool if it means we're getting a non-binary character. Tsukasa is just male Kokoro, so I automatically love him.