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5 years ago
Yukina's four most recent 4☆s. Look, I'm indifferent about who gets how many cards because all I...

Yukina's four most recent 4☆s. Look, I'm indifferent about who gets how many cards because all I care about in the end is how these cards perform in lives and at the end of the day, these cards are just numbers with artwork attached to it. (And let's not mention that in terms of skills, the four Yukina 4☆s before those up there are not good for scoring as Multi leads or for solo teams.) People differ in opinions and that is fine.


Should Yukina not have had a DreamFes card? Should Yukina not have been a 4☆ for the Re:Zero collab? Should Yukina not have been a 4☆ for Noble Rose 3 (when she had never been a 4☆ for the previous Noble Rose events and when that event is all about THAT [no spoilers])? Should Yukina, representing the entirety of the real-life Roselia, not have been a 4☆ for the tie-in event for Special☆LIVE Girls Band Party?

If you think about the situation of the past Gachas she's been the 4☆, there is zero way she would not have been the 4☆. She is THE IMAGE GIRL of Roselia, not having her for those times would be insanely disrespectful. There is no avoiding her last four 4☆s.