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April 16, 2020 22:34:26 +0000 (UTC)

  Late Tomoe's Birthday  and a vent ♥ 

So, these days have been a little rough with me, I was...

Late Tomoe's Birthday (and a vent )

So, these days have been a little rough with me, I was taking care of my cat, he was very ill, so i couldn't make anything for Tomoe's birthday

He died yesterday, I did everything that I could to try to help him out but yet, he passed away

Today I was trying my luck with the 1000 gems+ 2 Boost Drinks and i got a BEAUTIFUL Tomoe Card (Rocking western girl) and I never felted so much joy while I was so sad

I felt like Tomoe was conforting me with this card (Sorry If I sound very childish but I'm feeling kinda low hehe)

Thanks Tomoe, you're awesome I made her these for her birthday and the love she just showed me like 2 hours ago haha