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July 08, 2018 23:17:23 +0000 (UTC)


So, folks: All y'all Rimi-fans out there, or basically just people who know the stories to the future events.

Is there an event (Or the 2nd band story even) in which there are some really good Rimi developments or character-moments? Because I feel like there really isn't that much that is done with her character other than "I love my sister, I love ChocoCornets, I love Kaoru, I play bass" in atleast ENDori's current state.

And that's the sad thing, because I really want to love her, but I can only like her, and that's saying alot, because I love these girls so much, but there just isn't that much in terms of defining character-moments for Rimi, but maybe I just haven't seen enough eventstories? Oh sweet gods of BanGDream let there be a good Rimi-Centered story coming soon.