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May 27, 2019 14:20:52 +0000 (UTC)

Hi! I’m Meiko   new to Bandori Party and I’d like to share my event pain  and best girl ...

Hi! I’m Meiko - new to Bandori Party and I’d like to share my event pain (and best girl) pain!


The story of Girls Anthology - I’ve never tried hard in events for ranking, for whatever reason I chose to for this one (maybe because Afterglow are my faves and all best girls!). Side note: lag suddenly attacked me at various points to kill my attempts at full combo on expert. the pain of that one combo breaker was intense (it happened quite a bit on VS live especially)!

Day 1 : Did one solo, lo and behold Tsugu showed up! I was shook! Also got all the way to Tomoe (somehow!) with event pts.

The Following Days : Decided to put in effort for ranking - but really wanted Moca so played every song I could to S rank and full combo at hard + expert. 3 x 10 pulls, no Moca, 2 repeat Tsugus, and adorable Himari 4* (I teared up with joy at Himari even though I wasn’t necessarily aiming for her!)

This Morning : Having just about given up on Moca, farmed for another 2500 gems and decided this would be the last try - but alas! The first card was... MOCA! So all the death and farming was worth it!

If a best girl shows up, whatever it was was worth it!