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June 08, 2018 12:44:17 +0000 (UTC)

 I sure hope it's the right tag 

This is a bit personal but please bear with my sentimental...

(I sure hope it's the right tag)

This is a bit personal but please bear with my sentimental outburst.

So, this event. I've been a bit busy with my other game (of course GBF gets MagFes right in time for PasuPare! My gaming life in a nutshell) and was only able to catch up a bit now. Being a global only player, I went into this event story completely unprepared - and now I'm sitting here a sniffling mess because it's way too close to home. See, my own very favorite idol, the artist who sometimes quite literally saved my life with just her blog entries or lyrics, and always gives me so much strength through her songs, shares a name with Aya's "starting point". It doesn't help that Aya is my favorite bandori girl of them all, for all the things she is and is not. So this very idea of having to let go of the artist who defined so many of your ideals, and figuring out how to deal with it resonates heavily with me. I was reading most of the story on the train, but when Chapter 5 made it quite obvious what the other PasuPare members are going to do, I had to save the epilogue for when I was back home. Good thing I did.

People meeting their idols, the people they value so much for what they taught them... being able to tell them what their existence and work brought to life... It has been and will always be one of the things that will make me tear up like a fool. There's just something so very beautiful about it.

(Now when will there be a preview option for Activities...?)