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March 13, 2019 21:24:02 +0000 (UTC)

      Make one...
Make one here.

yes sure. this makes complete sense to others.

I wish everyone was at least on that tier below 'that tier below that tier above'. Every character has their own charms and deserved to be liked and loved. Those lower down just don't click for me yet. Yet.

to all kanon, eve, chisato, rimi and kaoru fans and fanatics, pls dont hate me. im sorry. (>_<)
oh maybe I should've changed 'bad' to 'unlikeable'... oops. CHU² might actually become my favourite RAS character, I feel, as long as SHE GETS SOME SPOTLIGHT OUTSIDE OF MAKING MUSIC
Edit: Hang on, doesn't this spoil my fav. char. for the 30 day Challenge? Uhhhh forget you saw this. (eh)