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March 10, 2019 11:05:13 +0000 (UTC)


I have committed a national crime by not talking about my absolute favourite 3Star in the entire game. So I'm going to talk about my absolute favourite 3Star in the entire game.


Curtain Call Kaoru. She's beauty, she's grace, we finally got her in a dress.

I have wanted Kaoru in a dress for literal years, considering how nice her character design is, I knew she would look great in a dress and OH BOI DOES SHE LOOK GREAT IN A DRESS. As much as I like the fact that the BanDori girls aren't restricted to wearing Short Idol SkirtsTM 24/7, Kaoru being one of the best examples of this, I always thought it would be nice to see Kaoru in at least a skirt. AND THE CARD DELIVERED.

First of all, the colour scheme. Kaoru looks great in purple. However, with her hair being, well, purple, you can't really give her whatever shade of purple you please, since there's always a possibility that it will look bad in contrast to her hair. The shade of purple which they chose though, a more violetish purple, fits her so well. More Kaoru in purple please and thank you.

If you also take into the fact that they use more grayish blue and darker purples for the details, which mix really well together, you have a MASTERPIECE. The dress? Beautiful. Her hat? Stylish as hell. (Her hat makes it ten times better because it's just so freaking nice. It's so fancy, very Kaoru.)

Let's talk about Kaoru's hair and expression. I live for alternate hairstyles, and especially so when it comes to Kaoru because, plsdontkillme, her default hairstyle isn't exactly my favourite. Her hairstyle in this particular card is so nice. It also fits the style which the rest of the outfit/card is going for, as it certainly looks a bit more old-fashioned, but is very classy and stylish nevertheless. AND HER EXPRESSION. Now, I certainly do not call myself a Kaoru fangirl in any sense. I don't exactly adore this type of expression on any of these idiots with instruments, as it's just not really my type of expression. But this card is an exception. I don't know why, but somehow, it just fits this card very well, and it fits her pose as well. All in all, very Kaoru, very nice.

THE BACKGROUND. THE DETAILS. THE LIGHTING AND SHADING. This is why I consider Curtain Call to be one, if not my absolute, favourite gacha in the entire game, if only because of the fact that its cards are of such high quality. I love the background in this card, if only because it looks like some really fancy theater place. It's white and gold. Which I love. The lighting, which makes it look like spotlights, which fits the setting, is great, and fits our resident theater gal pretty well.

Kaoru? Great character. Curtain Call? Fantastic gacha. Curtain Call Kaoru? Great card. This card? Fleeting. Illseemyselfout.