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March 09, 2019 23:42:26 +0000 (UTC)

30 days challenge by...

30 days challenge by okusawamiikun || DAY XXII - FAVOURITE BEATMAP

guys, this beatmap. this motherfleeting beatmap. this boppin’ beatmap that has been haunting me for so long now.

this beatmap is BanDori’s Yume no Tobira MASTER. the beatmap that I absolutely adore playing, but cannot full combo for the goshdarn life of me. I always mess up on a different part. I know for a FACT that I can get through this, I’ve beaten every section individually I just need to do it all in one go, I’ve come this close so many times

but no matter how much it haunts me, it’s sooooo satisfying to play. that part before the chorus with the rapid tap & hold & flick notes is the most empowering thing. and the beginning leads you into it so nicely too ... this is a wonderful beatmap. now if I could actually full combo it that’d be rEALLY NIC E

shoutout to Lost One no Goukoku which is just fun to spam, sometimes I can FC it, sometimes I can’t, but I’m always having a good time