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February 25, 2019 00:53:18 +0000 (UTC)


Bandori! 30 Day Challenge Day 2: Best PoPiPa character

challenge made by okusawamiikun


kasumi~! i've always loved kasumi, but recently she ended up skyrocketing all the way into being my best girl! her optimism is infectious, and i love how she has so many layers to her personality! she's NOT just the token genki girl - one thing i love about her is that she has so many layers to her personality!

she is an optimist at heart, but in one of their songs, it is suggested she has depression? how she manages to deal with that and still be such a ray of hope is amazing to me! she's playful but knows when to be serious when it's needed. she can be an adorable goof that wants to "forget" to do homework but she is also the same girl that practiced until her hands were covered in bandages just to learn and be deserving of playing random star...

and her voice! i don't talk about this often, but aimin is my favorite seiyuu for a multitude of reasons, and she's just as lovable as her character! kasumi was and will always be my favorite vocalist and that's due to her talent in singing! she doesn't even realize it, but even if she's not the best guitarist, she's such a wonderful vocalist and that doesn't get said enough.

she's an amazing character to me and i just love everything about her, including her interactions with other characters!