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6 years ago

So, I thought that I should share my personal tips for Full Comboing, since I find myself to be quite good at it and wanted to maybe help other people do it. (Specifically EX, but I think it's viable for any difficulty.) (Of course, this may not help everybody.)

First of all, let's make one thing very clear:

You will fail, a lot.

You will one-miss and one-good so much that you may lose count, and that's fine. Yes, it will feel horrible, especially if it's a song you've tried to FC for a while and you miss a flick right before the end. (I should know, it happened to me three minutes ago.)

So, now that we've established that we will fail, what can you do to make sure that you may not fail as often?

  • Settings. Adjust them. Note size, note speed, all of it. Change it. Experiment with it. As long as you find something which works for you, it should be fine. Note that it might not stay the same, I currently play with 200% note size, but I have played with notes as small as 110%, because my problems and style of playing changed. (In this case, my problem went from having problem with sliders, to not hitting notes because my finger missed them, meaning I had to optimize my chances of hitting them.)

  • Use your healers and perfect locks, please. I know it might seem cheap, but I have been saved by PLs so many times that I sometimes value them more than I value scorers. They help. Sadly, the way that skill activation works in GaruPa doesn't completely help against bads and goods, but the little extra help surely isn't unwanted.

  • Practice. Practice. PRACTICE. As much as I don't really like spamming songs only for FCs (Yes, I'm a hypocrite, I've done it a bunch of times), it's a good way to learn the beatmap and make sure that you know which parts are tricky and where you can take it easier. Healers are recommended here because it's better to survive the song and know the entirety of the beatmap rather than no healers and failing in the middle of the chorus. So spam your songs, practice them, figure that beatmap out.

  • Specifically about those pesky flicknotes. We all hate them. So here's my Golden Rule of Thumb: NEVER STOP FLICKING. I'm taking Opera of The Wasteland and ONENESS as my examples here because they're great for getting my point across. (If you don't know their beatmaps, look them up.) There's a specific part in ONENESS where there will be double notes, where one will be a flick, and one will be a normal tap note, these will come in a series of around 5-7 after each other, and you might think that it's fine to only flick the side that's a flick. Don't. This will screw you over if you're not very careful. Treat them like a normal double-flick. Flick both of them, and continue flicking until the series has ended. Speaking from experience, it's easier to manage them if you just flick both sides. (Opera's set up is a bit different, as it's double notes with flicks and one hold note, but those flicks come so rapidly that it's pretty much the same thing, just never stop flicking.) Opera instead has flicks coming at you ALL THE TIME, especially during the chorus. Usually after normal tap notes, in in combination with holdnotes, they're evil combinations, trust me. My best tip is to wing it and just flick, that's how I FCed it, so I must be doing something right, no? They're both very fast songs as well, which makes you train your reading skills (Reading the beatmap and knowing where to tap and stuff) and also your general skills, as they're pretty good for measuring how good you are at, especially, flicks. (Opera is shorter though, at around 650 notes, while ONENESS is 850 or something, which, imo, makes Opera more manageble.)

  • Probably the best tip I have: Take breaks, realize that it's just a Full Combo, it's fine if you can't do it today, you will manage it one day. I know that it feels shitty to not get a FC, it feels horrible and you doubt your skills as a player, especially if you also, the same day, see somebody posting about them FCing the same song, or a song which is more difficult, yes, it feels like shit. But, don't give up, you may not be able to FC that song today, but you will be able to do it one day, if you simply keep going. We've all been there, even the best rhythm game players have not been able to FC "Easy" songs once, you will get better and you will be able to do it, just give it time.

  • And of course, remember to have fun, it's just a game after all!!

(Feel free to share your own tips in the comments if you think I missed something!!)