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February 17, 2019 20:56:13 +0000 (UTC)

30 days challenge by...

30 days challenge by okusawamiikun || DAY I - FAVOURITE BAND

I've been in love with PasuPare ever since I first saw them on the download screen simply because of their aesthetic (I LOVE PASTEL THINGS) and the more I learn about them the more I love them ... I'm so glad that even though they've been thrown together by an agency, they're still all good friends who can count on each other and love each other lots, plus I love that their stories actually talk about the issues of their careers too!!

PasuPare is the band I feel the strongest about in terms of characters, too - two of my top 3/4 (the Hikawas share 3rd place) are from PasuPare and I love the rest too, I can never decide on a ranking for them cause they're just sO GOOD

their music was my least favourite at first but they've improved SO MUCH and they have so many good songs now but that's gonna get its own day so I'm not gonna talk about it too much. I'm just super proud of how far they've come both in terms of characters and music ... bless them ... sparkly pastel daughters ... so good so soft so wonderful ... I'm love them

shoutout to HaroHapi for having my favourite music & the unyielding ability to make me happy no matter what, and to Roselia for growing on me so so so much since I started the game, both these bands are a very close second place and if you ask me to pick one over the other I will explode (they're just in alphabetical order on the list on my profile,,)