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December 30, 2018 16:47:46 +0000 (UTC)


You know, we always say that "Insert Not-Very-Popular-Girl Here deserves to be more popular", and going by BanPa's popularity ranking, that would be Kasumi, Rimi, Tsugumi, Maya and Hagumi.

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE these girls, I mean, Kasu is my favourite PoPiPa girl, Rimi is a super nice character, Tsugu is my favourite AGlow member, Hagu is my 7th best girl and Maya is my tied best girl, but I understand why they aren't as popular (And let's face facts, somebody has to be the bottom five, as sad as it is). And it's not like people hate them or don't care about them? Hagu, the least popular girl, has 300+ fans listed, and I think that those go by who has her in the "Top 3 Characters" thing on our profiles, meaning that there probably are people who really like her, but can't put her in their top 3 because she's... Idonno, their 5th best girl or something, so they could have a lot more fans, but we simply don't know that.

My point with this being, we always like to say that "Nobody appreciates ____" even though they do in fact have a dedicated fanbase, it's just smaller, than, say, Yukina or Kokoro's. So, no girl is really "forgotten" or "not recognized at all", which I find really nice. The fact that even the more unpopular girls are actually well liked, now, I don't agree with Hagu and Maya being the lowest girls, don't get me wrong, I fucking adore those two (My character ranking should tell you enough) but people going around saying that they have no fans is kinda wrong. (It's not really on here that I've seen it, mostly on Twitter and Tumblr tbh).

TLDR; Every BanPa girl is appreciated, and I'm really happy that they are, simply because they aren't popular doesn't mean that people don't like them, I mean, I was here during the times where Hagu was simply brushed off as a Rin-copy, which was not a happy time let me tell you. So, stan all the girls. But it doesn't really matter that somebody is the "Least Popular Girl" because they are loved either way.

Hoho, this was not a structured post, I am very sorry. Have a Hagu as compensation: image