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December 16, 2018 01:45:44 +0000 (UTC)


alright wow guys i cant believe i am saying this but

i am really, legitimately, 100% getting an electronic drum set for my birthday. it's difficult to explain my feelings, i wouldn't say i'm excited but... i feel really calm and peacefully happy. i react like this to everything though so i don't know how i was expecting to feel

for the past... almost two months i think? i have been doing my best to learn drumming fundamentals, a good bit of which i think i have, and while i plan on continually learning more it is also time to a s c e n d

my birthday is february 28th, so i have a little more than two months to practice some bandori covers for when i start my drumming channel! i would like to have five songs ready for legit covers by the time i get my drum set, so i'm gonna start practicing now. but i realized i really like all bandori songs and can't pick one so ... please assist bushido dad in this, my hour of need

i'm gonna tally up the votes eventually and whichever songs have the most votes for each band, are the five that i'll start practicing my butt off to cover! please feel free to pick any songs you guys would like to see, covers and originals are both valid! i still can't believe this is really happening oh man,