Girls Band Party / Wiki
BanG Dream! Girls Band API

⚠️ This documentation has been entirely written by an external contributor. We DO NOT maintain it and we do not guarantee that it is up-to-date. Additionally, because it's currently a beta API, any endpoint or field can change at any time without prior notice. We do plan to provide a stable and fully documented API in the future. Follow magicircles_dev for developers' updates.


If you're a developer and you would like to get the cards of the game in a convenient format, we provide a public REST API to get the cards and members!

We'd love to talk to you! If you're creating or you plan to create something that uses our API, contact us so we can help you, give you feedback, ideas, and even promote it when you're ready.

If you would like to get more data that is not available in the current API, contact us and we will see what we can do for you ;)

If you would like to contribute, see the contribute page.

Note that since we provide this service for free, unfortunately, we cannot 100% guarantee its uptime. However, we believe our architecture is reliable enough to be used in a production environment.

Technical Notes

It returns JSON objects that you can easily parse and use in your own tools or services, using any programming language or library. It enables CORS, so you can use it in Javascript as well.

Missing or null fields

The guaranteed JSON fields are marked with :white_check_mark:. You can consider that any other field might be null. The site is purposely very permissive in that matter, since we might not have all the information or users might not want to fill everything. We recommend you to make sure that your service works no matter what's missing.

Fields and Parameter Types
  • String may contain unicode characters, such as Japanese characters but not only.
  • Int is an integer that contains whole numbers.
  • Boolean in JSON are represented using true and false, but boolean values given as parameters in your requests are expected to be True or False.

Endpoints and Methods

Girls Band Party Game
  1. Cards
  2. Members
  3. Events
  4. Items
  5. Costumes
  6. Assets
  7. Areaitems