Players list / Astoire

Astoire avatar



Ignoring that... ^.^"

Hi! I'm Astoire! Nice to meet you!

My band rankings: Harohapi=Roselia>Afterglow>Popipa>Pasupare

Misaki is my favourite character because I can relate to her in so many ways. Me and Moca probably only have one relation, and that's liking bread. Kokoro and I... if you saw me, you would understand how energetic I can be.

I started out with EN in January, during the Hectic Happy Valentine's event, and got to learn about the characters easily. In just about 3 weeks, I was already playing Expert mode! I suppose I'm pretty good at rhythm games if I was very dedicated.

I started JP in March, right in the middle of Backstage Pass 2. Because of my muscle memory from playing EN, I knew which controls were which in the settings, since I had switched my controls around. Everything was the same except, of course, the language. New things may be coming in almost all the time, but with the help of Google Translate, Instagram, and my knack for figuring little things fast, I can enjoy the game!

That was long, phew! I don't usually type like this, so formal. Well then, はじめまして!

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