Players list / rensuke

rensuke avatar


hi im imi (i used to be furbyqyn) and i love kunigami rensuke

ive been into lesbian band girl: the megamix since a little bit after en release (6/9/18 << MY BANDORI ANNIVERSARY IS THE MINDSET) so ive been here way before ras n monica and the og 25 holds a special place in my heart 🙌🙌 By rhe way i love kokoro tsurumaki more than i love my entire family combined

also im the ceo of kokohina nation and i love most rarepairs idgaf if theyve itneracted only twice ! so anyway stan kokohina, mayalisa, chisahima, kaomisa, mocasayo, yukiran, tsugukanon, akohagu, saayakasu, everinko, aritae,

if ur still here i pity you. anyway u can add me on other places bc im on banpa maybe like 0.8% of the time

discord: kunigami#4328

twitter: HEROKUNL

tumblr: aobaseijou

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