Players list / notgladi

notgladi avatar



Hi~ my name is Gladi, and I'm a fan of CHU² and her band, RAISE A SUILEN <3 I don't buy merchandise but I love their songs and all her cards and it's just so amazing how CHU² is only one year older than me and she makes this awesome music.

I also really like Gladion from Pokémon, I'm a really big fan of him. I talk about him so much in other places, I'd assume it's obvious.

I don't watch the anime that often, but so far my favorite scene has been seeing CHU² confront Yukina standing on her stool because she was too short to even come up to Yukina's height, which is funny because Yukina isn't all that tall herself.

Aside from CHU², I also really love Saya Yamabuki (山吹沙綾), Tsugumi Hazawa (羽沢つぐみ), Chisato Shirasagi (白鷺千聖), Ako Udagawa (宇田あこ), Hagumi Kitazawa (北沢はぐみ), and Tsukushi Futaba (二葉つくし)

My current favorite card pre-trained Image

My current favorite card trained Image

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