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November 26, 2018 00:58:01 +0000 (UTC)


Super Song Gauntlet Challenge

"Super Song Gauntlet". Every song, every difficulty, in a row. I did them in ascending difficulty order from Easy Lv5 all the way to Expert Lv28.

I just completed it and man am I exhausted but it was quite the experience. The run finished in 13 hours and 45 minutes. I got stuck on Asu No Yozora EX because I was just not able to press notes. so I took a 5 minute break to refocus mentally and get a snack to energize me and then proceeded to knock out the rest of the songs. I got stuck on ONENESS for a bit because flicks suck and then was left with Re: birth Day. I told my viewers I have only beaten it twice so far without healers, so that's why I saved it for last. After about 8 attempts I managed to get it. Considering how exhausted I was, it was definitely an achievement to finish with that.

I've been meaning to attempt this challenge for a long time, the hardest part of the challenge is the mental fortitude. You have to keep focused throughout the entire run and you need enough energy to finish strong when it comes to the hardest songs. Once I finally had the solo clears for Re:birth Day through normal playing, I knew it was finally time to attempt the full Song Clear Challenge.

Every player should eventually attempt to beat and FC every Easy and Normal difficulty song for lots of bonus coins (I ended up getting 4M extra coins from this!). Not all at once like this of course... this was just my fun way of doing it.

I made sure I got lots of sleep the previous night and ate a large meal before starting. For anyone who does want to attempt something similar, make sure you prepare properly. Your personal health is very important!

The entire archive of the run is linked at the bottom of this post. Luckily I got a lot of support from the viewers that tuned in and they really helped keep me going. Had a lot of fun discussions while playing. I couldn't have done it without them. Super Song Gauntlet Archive - Every song, every difficulty, non-stop