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October 10, 2018 04:32:49 +0000 (UTC)



Kaoru is legit out here trying to kill me heck all of these new cards are trying to kill me but obv Kaoru is at the forefront. Her idolized? My wig is GONE. She blew a kiss at it and it flew to the stratosphere. She is beauty, she is grace, and she is definitely yealling a "fleeting" with that face. I said it in my new Misaki card appreciation post that she looks to be having a heart-to-heart with Misaki but you know what? She probably is throwing and misusing a bunch of old English literature quotes but not to make herself look braver and smarter than she is but to cheer up Misaki, which Misaki might actualy come to enjoy and accept that part about herself in chap 2. Just look at that card, Kaoru is happily saying her thing while Misaki looks at her with a smile that isn't like a, "You... tried?" smile but a "You're a mess trying to say this but do I appreciate and love you as my friend." They both just look so happy with each other's company and in all this angst that chap 2 will bring maybe it's moments with Kaoru and Misaki that would be like our saving grace from it all.