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October 07, 2018 13:49:45 +0000 (UTC)


today I had a dream. I was like, the 6th member of Pasupare (not joking), and we were on a studio (different from CiRCLE's). Then Glitter*Green appeared from nowhere and starting playing Don't be afraid!

For some reason, Maya was a guitarist instead of a drummer (I was the drummer), and she starting playing (softly, almost impossible to hear) Don't be afraid! on her guitar. But Glitter*Green were rude with her, and told her to get the heck out of there.

She left her guitar on the studio and ran out of there, crying. We went to the street with all of Pasupare until I noticed her guitar was missing. She started crying again and I had to hug her because it was breaking my heart.

I'm not too sure of what literally happened but I woke up with a weird sensation.