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September 20, 2018 05:02:45 +0000 (UTC)


i actually learned how to draw a little bit, so i decided to draw Misaki half a month ago

i actually learned how to draw a little bit, so i decided to draw Misaki half a month ago (Yes, im not only try to be a memer, but also an artist)

But i was too shy to post it because after finishing it, i realized how many mistakes are on it and so made me unconfident to post it

But now, im using all my courage( its this a right word?) to post it because i want to overcome my unconfidence

I hope this drawing doesn't give you a nightmare (like the cursed aya image) or anything bad

I hope this drawing would make your day better a little bit.

(yes, i know i could have just copied the copy address but it doesn't work for some reason)