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February 20, 2022 04:30:44 +0000 (UTC)

  A curious fact

    For those who have curious about  color=red "¿Who's the rabbit in the...

A curious fact

For those who have curious about [color=red]"¿Who's the rabbit in the masking jacket?"[/color] Here's the answer! It's called [color=red]"Hanyo Usagi"[/color] From the artist named "Mori Chack" The same who created "Gloomy bear" (maybe sounds familiar to you)

here's a little description about hanyo usagi:

"A rabbit who, due to cross-breeding, has extremely long ears which it uses to do various things. Hanyo Usagi, similar to it's artist's most famous work, Gloomy Bear, has a dark side that is hidden by it's cute looks. Hanyo Usagi's favorite food is carrot berries—a genetically engineered fruit combining the nutritional value of carrots and the delicious taste of strawberries. Hanyo Usagi always has the kanji character 汎 imprinted on its left ear."

I really don't know why masking have it in her jacket but if you know please let me know (and sorry for my bad english if you didn't understand something)